Number of Tickers per Exchange: EODHD vs. Statement of Exchange Web Site

I tried out the API " Get List of Tickers (Exchange Symbols)" for all Exchanges available at EODHD.
I was surprised to see that the quantity of stocks given is quite different to those the same exchange states. E.G.

  1. Exchange Francfort, Germany: 11,114 vs 13,310 (EOD vs
  2. Exchange Stuttgart, Germany: 4,999 vs 9,000 (Aktien | Börse Stuttgart)
  3. NYSE 2,221 vs. 2,800

What is the reason for these differences in quantity?

Does EODHD publish an subset of the stocks an exchange deals with?

Thank you for reaching out. The difference in the number of tickers is due to some being absent from our database. However, we can expand the list upon user requests. If you need data for a ticker that is not currently available in our database, feel free to contact our support team via chat or email at, and we will add it.

Thanks a lot for your quick response.
My aim is to get an overview on the stock-companies (and later on the funds) and understand the money allocation on global level.

(1) May I assume that the data EOD provides covers about 99% of the market capitalization of stocks and funds?
May I assume that the missing data refers only to small companies with little value that are likely to disappear?

(2) Does EOD supply data regarding the ownership structure of stocks and funds?

Best regards

You are very welcome!

  1. Yes, EOD covers a vast majority of the global market capitalization. The missing data usually pertains to smaller companies with limited market presence, not large-cap entities.

  2. Yes, we offer such data through the Fundamental API.