Hi, i’m a beginner in Python, plus i’m learning about your API at the same time. Got stuck with a task.
I want to get all the fundamental data for one type of ticker (for example for an ETF) from several exchanges, for example from BSE and NSE. How can I do this with Python?
Hey, it sounds not hard, lets see 
Here is a sample script that allows you to get a list of tickers for several exchanges, filter them (if necessary), and then query fundamental data sequentially. I would reccomend to put it into ChatGPT with explanation what it does and ask it to break it down for you with comments 
import pandas as pd
import requests
from time import sleep # Import sleep
# Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your actual API key
def eod_get_list_of_ticker(EXCHANGE_CODE, YOUR_API_KEY):
end_point = f'https://eodhd.com/api/exchange-symbol-list/{EXCHANGE_CODE}?api_token={YOUR_API_KEY}&fmt=json'
response = requests.get(end_point)
data = response.json() # No need to convert, as data is already a list
return data
list_of_tickers = []
list_of_tickers.extend(eod_get_list_of_ticker('BSE', YOUR_API_KEY))
list_of_tickers.extend(eod_get_list_of_ticker('NSE', YOUR_API_KEY))
def filter_by_type(data, type_value):
filtered_list = [{"Code": item["Code"], "Name": item["Name"], "Exchange": item["Exchange"]} for item in data if item["Type"] == type_value]
return filtered_list
# Assuming list_of_tickers is correctly formatted after previous adjustments
list_of_tickers = filter_by_type(list_of_tickers, "ETF")
# This will print the filtered list of tickers
print(list_of_tickers) # Corrected variable name
def create_full_ticker_codes(list_of_tickers):
full_ticker_codes = []
for ticker in list_of_tickers:
# This concatenates 'Code' and 'Exchange' with a dot in between
full_ticker_code = f"{ticker['Code']}.{ticker['Exchange']}"
return full_ticker_codes
full_ticker_codes = create_full_ticker_codes(list_of_tickers)
def eod_fundamentals(SYMBOL, YOUR_API_KEY):
end_point = f'https://eodhd.com/api/fundamentals/{SYMBOL}?api_token={YOUR_API_KEY}&fmt=json'
data = requests.get(end_point).json()
return data
def get_data_from_fundamentals(filtered_data, YOUR_API_KEY, timeout=2):
result_data = [] # Initialize result_data within the function
for elem in filtered_data:
result = eod_fundamentals(elem, YOUR_API_KEY)
sleep(timeout) # Ensure there's a pause between requests
return result_data # Return the collected data
result_with_fundamental_data = get_data_from_fundamentals(full_ticker_codes, YOUR_API_KEY)
print(result_with_fundamental_data) # To see the fetched fundamental data