Missing Tickers, Data Inaccuracies, and Technical Issues 🙀

Hello EODHD Community,

As many of you are aware, we deal with vast quantities of financial data, striving relentlessly to provide only the highest quality, “high-definition” data. Our unique approach involves cross-referencing data from multiple sources to ensure accuracy. However, we acknowledge that instances of incomplete or incorrect data may occur, often stemming from our external data providers.

What sets EODHD apart from other API solutions is our robust and responsive live support system. We take pride in our ability to address issues related to data inaccuracies, missing tickers, and technical glitches swiftly - often resolving them within a few hours, and sometimes even in real-time. This efficiency is possible because our support managers are also technical experts with direct access to our database and codebase.

If you haven’t yet interacted with our support team, we encourage you to do so for any issues concerning data accuracy, missing tickers, or technical difficulties. You can easily reach out to our support managers by opening a live chat on the EODHD.com website.

To streamline our response process and maintain the efficiency of our support system, we will be removing forum posts related to these specific issues. This approach helps us avoid duplicating topics and ensures that we can provide prompt assistance through our support chat.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain the highest standards of service.
