[New] Options Data (US Stocks) API

By the end of the year, we gave ourselves - and, judging by hundreds of requests, you as well — a gift: Options Data for 11,000+ US stocks! This includes end-of-day (EOD) data with a 1-year trade history, comprising over 300 million records. A true gem in our collection.

For early adopters, we’re offering a discounted price of $29.99/month for the first three months of your subscription. Don’t miss out — sign up today!

Learn more and sign up here.

You can’t imagine how long I’ve been waiting for the return of options. I’m absolutely over the moon! :blush:

I can’t believe it happened after two years

Do you plan to add data for non-US symbols in the future?

We have such plans, but unfortunately, we cannot provide specific timelines.

Why do many tickers not have data available on T0?

Hello Karl!

Could you please provide more details about your question, including some examples?

For example, how can I access AAPL options chain data as of today (12/20)? The API documentation seems to imply that the trade_date_from and trade_date_to are the query params I’d need to set to query for a specific date (2024-12-20) however when doing so I get no results. Can you please provide me an endpoint for accomplishing this? Perhaps I’m just misunderstanding.

Also, based on the documentation (How to use US Stock Options Data API) the “from” and “to” query params specify the expiration date of the options, would it be possible to rename these to make this a little more obvious? I subscribed to the API yesterday and one thing I’m noticing is that the naming convention of both the API params as well as the returned fields is a bit confusing. For example, the “date” field in the response body corresponds to the expiration date?? If that’s the case then why not call it “expiration_date” to make that it easier to understand.

Thank you for the detailed explanation.
Data for the current day becomes available after the market closes, typically by 11 PM EST. As for renaming the fields, we’ll consider your suggestion—thank you for bringing it up!

Thanks for getting back to me Levon! In that case, I think the description of the API is a bit misleading. In the documentation it says that it provides live & historical data however this doesn’t seem to be live data.

Thanks for your suggestion, we will update the documentation.

Do you plan to add real-time data in the future?

Hello Paul2,

We have such plans, but we cannot yet specify when real-time data will be available.

I tried your new product and gotta say it’s way better than what you had before. Nice work.

I hope you’ll address the data filtering issue soon, but overall, the product is excellent.

We have already fixed the filtering parameters, and everything is working as it should now.